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The only newsletter you need to stay updated with latest
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Loved by many engineers
Gustavo Goulart💌 Joined on Sep 16, 2024
Thanks for bring back the issue every weekday! I used to read while enjoying my morning coffee so happy that I can do it again! Very nice job, I'm a fan!
Andy Alexis💌 Joined on Jun 16, 2024
I like all of the general interest tech articles you share; I am retired from programming so the repositories are no longer of interest to me, but I remember being excited about reading about them when I was a programmer. This is a high quality newsletter and I look forward to reading it every day.

Mitesh Patel💌 Joined on May 24, 2024
Hey Basil, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the 0xCAFE newsletter! Your witty commentary and insightful updates always make a good start to the day. The mix of tech news, quirky stories, puzzles and code repos keeps things fresh and engaging.
Michael Thomas Ross💌 Joined on Jun 17, 2024
Love your work, favourite newsletter of 40.

Mauro Baso💌 Joined on Jan 29, 2024
What I can say is that 0xCAFE newsletter is now part of my morning routine and the basis of my daily inspirational voyage. Too often we are diving so deep we forget to take a breath and look around, to remember to enjoy the journey as we head towards our destination. This is your work to me: a look at the world from the window and an inestimable tool for lateral thinking.
Thank you for your commitment, never enough appreciated.
Thank you for your commitment, never enough appreciated.
Basil Pozdeev
The guy who actually thought this was a good ideaI’ve been in the IT industry for years, and like many of you, being an IT engineer means never stopping learning.
Reading articles, news, and doomscrolling GitHub repositories became a daily routine.
Then adulthood hit and I got a bit lazy. So, what does an IT guy do? Automate, of course! I built a CLI tool to quickly
grab all the morning info I needed. Eventually, I decided to share it and dive into the newsletter world.
Now, here we are—over a year, 400+ issues, and a thriving website.
A huge thank you to subscribe to my newsletter; your support keeps me energized to grow and create new content! ❤️